| 1. | After some specific legacies, many of exactly 19 Lord Nelson.
| 2. | Lord Nelson was asked to contribute guest vocals to the album.
| 3. | Lord Nelson's famous signal at the Battle of Trafalgar.
| 4. | The Lord Nelson set sail from Glasgow on 7 June 2010.
| 5. | Lord Nelson was one of many for whom he composed music.
| 6. | The film depicts the relationship between Admiral Lord Nelson and Trafalgar.
| 7. | In 1801 while aboard the 74-gun Lord Nelson.
| 8. | The Lord Nelson statue became the location for preaching and political protests.
| 9. | In 1811, they built their own schooner, the Lord Nelson.
| 10. | Dom goes to the Lord Nelson to meet up with the boys.